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Buffalo Chicken Nachos

I seem to be on a nacho kick and this recipe was also published by Food Network Magazine.
This is quick and easy to throw together if you use a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store.

TORTILLA CHIPS (the recipe suggested using ranch-flavored tortilla chips)
1 small ROASTED CHICKEN, shredded (about 4 cups)
1 1/2 c. Frank's Buffalo Sauce
1/2 c. WATER
BLUE CHEESE, to garnish
2 ribs CELERY, sliced
Sour Cream

Spread chips on an oven proof serving dish.

Bring to a simmer the Buffalo sauce and the water.
Add the shredded chicken just to heat through.
Strain the chicken (reserving sauce) and spread over the chips with cheddar cheese.

Bake in a 400°F oven until the cheese is melted.
Garnish with blue cheese and celery.
If desired serve with sour cream on the side.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/30s f/4.5 at 47.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Martin Lamoon28-Jan-2013 22:23
I feel so hungry all of a sudden!
Wonderful meal... v
larose forest photos28-Jan-2013 19:37
Gorgeously prepared and photographed. You are very good at this type of food photography. V
borisalex28-Jan-2013 16:09
Mein Gott...I´m getting hungry only looking at this dish! I do love nachos, the blue cheese is a nice idea! Great food shot with the beer just poured! V.
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