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Steve Highfield | all galleries >> Galleries >> FAVOURITES > Derwentwater.
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Jean Chiasson03-Dec-2015 22:11
Splendid image and shadow Steve BV
Gilles Navet17-Mar-2015 12:35
Si peu et tellement beau
Jay Levin08-Jan-2014 02:40
Steve, the pier silhouette is fabulous here. A wonderful image.
Robbie D7026-Oct-2013 20:31
Missed this ultra moody shot.
Great composition and timing with the sun.
The blues and the black and white look so special .
Inspirational work my friend.
shatterbug13-Sep-2013 05:49
Seductive blues and tasty silhouettes...very beautiful!
Guest 12-Sep-2013 22:46
The combination colors makes this a first class image..v
Mary Bowles07-Sep-2013 03:48
A timeless scene.
Tranquil and soothing to the soul.
Much appreciated.
John Reynolds LRPS06-Sep-2013 19:20
godro06-Sep-2013 19:06
Beautiful! V
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