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Kal Khogali | all galleries >> The Vault >> Urban Realism >> Shanghai Street Scenes > vegetable Seller, Shanghai
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vegetable Seller, Shanghai

In Shanghai he does it indoors, in Napoli? ...

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Guest 15-Apr-2006 17:24
very nice khal... love those portrait
Guest 18-Nov-2005 23:29
Fantastic, purely amazing. I won't comment more.
I love this photo. V
Guest 18-Nov-2005 10:16
What a capture! It seems he's got about 50,000 pounds of vegetables there, and that he's almost drowning in them.
Guest 17-Nov-2005 14:28
:-))) !!!!!!!!
Kal Khogali17-Nov-2005 14:24
You are kidding right? I am honoured!! K
Guest 17-Nov-2005 14:17
eh... allow me to say, with due respect, that our eyes were "thinking" alike...


P.S. I hope I didn't not compare the uncoparable..... ;-))))
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