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Coleen Perilloux Landry | all galleries >> Galleries >> Graine a voler or Seeds that Fly > Sunrise in Louisiana Marsh
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11 July 2008 Coleen Perilloux Landry

Sunrise in Louisiana Marsh

St. Charles Parish

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Jeff Real27-Sep-2020 18:28
This is a magnificent image!
Neal Nye29-Jul-2008 11:50
I love this cool, quiet time of day. This image elicits the perfect feeling.
john savage28-Jul-2008 03:20
beautiful image. perfect shot. V
Jackdad27-Jul-2008 19:35
Elaine (etfitz)27-Jul-2008 03:16
Beautiful sunrise!
Guest 27-Jul-2008 02:55
Another awesome sunrise.... one can see so far in the Louisiana flatlands when you get out of the cities. Hope the mosquitos didn't carry you away.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography26-Jul-2008 22:01
Beautiful image, well done and seen, Vote.
carol j. phipps26-Jul-2008 17:45
Fabulous textures and color! Lovelyl sunrise capture.
joanteno26-Jul-2008 17:13
Beautiful sunrise!
Zak26-Jul-2008 17:04
you must of been up early!