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Coleen Perilloux Landry | all galleries >> Galleries >> Graine a voler or Seeds that Fly > Graine a Voler (The American Lotus)
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11 July 2008 Coleen Perilloux Landry

Graine a Voler (The American Lotus)

St. Charles Parish, Louisiana

Appreciated by the native American Indians for food and medicine and later by the Cajuns of Louisiana who gave it the name "Graine a' Voler" meaning seeds that fly (because the pods throw the seeds into the air), this beautiful flower grows in the wetlands and marshes.
For decades I wanted to go where the Graine a Voler grows and I finally had the opportunity. Coming around a bend in the waterway just as the sun was coming up we came upon a huge "field" of them--a beautiful sight indeed.

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Karin Doeling03-Jun-2012 16:19
Very beautiful!!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)04-Apr-2011 17:43
Wow, this is fantastic, vote.
Neal Nye17-Aug-2009 11:26
It's a beautiful thing, so effectively presented by the camera so near the water.
Fay Stout15-Feb-2009 03:08
I did not know what these were until now. Such a beautiful buttery yellow blossom!
Cindi Smith17-Jul-2008 00:03
They are beautiful. Lake Hawkins, near my sister, has many of these. They are always something to see.
J. Scott Coile16-Jul-2008 23:11
sschex16-Jul-2008 20:15
Well lit and I like the bee in flight.
Al Chesworth16-Jul-2008 19:24
A beautiful flower, and more to come.
s_barbour16-Jul-2008 17:58
They are gorgeous! I have never seen one quite like this, it is so lovely.
laine8216-Jul-2008 17:23
hat looks like a little bee honing in on the flower...must ave been a superb day out !
john savage16-Jul-2008 17:14
Gorgeous image Coleen. V