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Derek von Briesen | all galleries >> Covers >> National Geographic 2009 Calendar: "Nature's Artistry" >
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Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II
1/90s f/6.7 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Fabio Fantuzzi25-Jan-2010 15:14
Your shots are marvellous!
Gus Rosenfeld13-Jul-2008 21:22
As I've expressed many times, I deem this shot as well as the whole series of this time period, some of your best and most successful work to date. One f my favorites being:

Regards - g
Susanne v. Schroeder13-Jul-2008 17:54
Truly magical! The light and warm tones are superb!
Zane Paxton03-Jul-2008 00:08
I agree with Flemming; this has a great sense of place and gets at the granduer.

Its very difficult to express the sense of "hugeness" here; by presenting the huge individual objects as relatively small objects compared to the context of the grander desert works very well.
Flemming Bo Jensen Photography12-Mar-2007 08:59
I keep coming back to this shot. This shot is magic for me, truly spellbinding. I have to visit this place soon. Outstanding work.
Didier Vanderperre11-Mar-2007 03:02
Wow !
Guest 02-Mar-2007 04:04
Very rich color. Good vantage point.
Guest 01-Aug-2006 22:22
Wonderful shot...and the place isn't bad either. ;-)
Robert Socha28-Jul-2006 17:35
Guest 19-Jul-2006 19:43
Out of this world, great shot.