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Sayer | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favorites - 2006 > Portrait of a Cardinal
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03-JUL-2006 Sayer

Portrait of a Cardinal

Sunrise Valley Park

Cardinal close-up and personal.

Canon EOS 350D ,Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro
1/200s f/16.0 at 105.0mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jean Chiasson05-Sep-2007 02:32
Wow remarkably detail and clarity image vote
Martin Schiff09-Nov-2006 15:25
Amazing that you could get that close. Outstanding!
Guest 06-Jul-2006 06:03
Perfect, it's all been said..
Janet Forjan-Freedman06-Jul-2006 01:30
Amazing detail and clarity and the feather texture is incredible! Janet
Guest 06-Jul-2006 00:48
S-s-spectacular!!!! This is simply TOO good!!!!!
Beryl Hauri-Gersch06-Jul-2006 00:38
Wow, incredible - was he sitting on your lap while you shot this? Amazing detail! \
I hope I can learn to use the Sigma 105 like this!
Guest 05-Jul-2006 23:55
very close indeed. wow!
angelique raptakis05-Jul-2006 22:35
you're now dubbed the bird whisperer :)
Steve Fink05-Jul-2006 22:31
Wwo, you must've been extremely close at 105mm focal length! Great shot!
J Bryan Kramer05-Jul-2006 22:25
Close enough, I'd say
Guest 05-Jul-2006 08:48
Oooh Tom, ssshhhh, you shouldnt have said that lol. Sayer, fantastic shot, so much detail its incredible (I wont mention the s.....x lol).
Guest 05-Jul-2006 04:27
Perfect detail, and can even see the softbox perfect in the eye.
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