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Sayer | all galleries >> Galleries >> Waterfalls and Cascades > Dark Hollow Falls
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04-JUN-2006 Sayer

Dark Hollow Falls

Shenandoah National Park

The real Dark Hollow Falls.
Taken moments before the sky broke open with thunder, rain, and hail.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Heidi and Ulrich Burkhalter10-Aug-2009 05:27
Love this shot so may diferent water courses.
Bartosz Kotulski16-Jan-2009 16:00
Matthew Mannell09-Nov-2008 01:42
Dang that's nice.
john savage15-Jul-2008 23:57
Beautiful image and perfect exposure. V
Guest 13-Oct-2007 00:56
Stone cold beautiful!
Guest 28-Aug-2007 00:02
Beautiful Shot V
Rich Westfall15-May-2007 19:44
Beautiful shot, Sayer. Very well exposed and composed.
Guest 15-May-2007 19:13
Good shot!
Karen Moen11-Oct-2006 02:50
Beautiful composition with lovely color. I like how you captured the moving water. Voted.
Guest 07-Jun-2006 15:29
dawn07-Jun-2006 14:52
Beautiful--it leaps off the screen!
Guest 07-Jun-2006 10:31
Oh and it looks so idyllic there. This is a really fab shot, I think you have the water blurr just right.
Beryl Hauri-Gersch07-Jun-2006 03:15
Luscious photo!
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