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Sayer | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favorites - 2008 > Gandalf?
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06-SEP-2008 Sayer


Michigan Renaissance Festival

Candid taken at the Michigan Renaissance Festival.
More images from the festival can be seen here.

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Guest 17-Dec-2010 07:51
very nice
Janet Forjan-Freedman20-Sep-2008 13:09
Wonderful work exposing this character!
Guest 15-Sep-2008 01:06
Wonderful candid! v
Guest 14-Sep-2008 23:30
Beautiful Capture V
Matthew Mannell13-Sep-2008 22:39
Perfect exposure.
Guest 12-Sep-2008 19:38
He's perfect for the part..excellent candid..v
Jess. ( Lady.D.)12-Sep-2008 16:35
Beautifully exposed and detailed portrait,
Guest 12-Sep-2008 13:59
You love Renaissance festivals! Nice shot.
Guest 12-Sep-2008 13:52
great portrait!!!
Guest 12-Sep-2008 13:30
Really wonderful portrait, Sayer!
Terri Steele12-Sep-2008 04:13
Exactly!!!! What a great beard! ;)
Lee G12-Sep-2008 04:09
Though of Gandalf as soon as I saw the thumb! Excellent portrait.
Joe Lasker12-Sep-2008 03:32
Gandalf the White. Nice shot
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