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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> All Too Brief Trip to Pennsylvania... > Beautiful Place to Live
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15-OCT-2007 Sandi Whitteker

Beautiful Place to Live

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Found these houses, snuggled in along the banks of the Susquehanna River,
in the Allegheny Valley. Step out your door and there's a beautiful river flowing by.
Gotta wonder though what happens when the river rises?

other sizes: small medium original auto
Allan Jay22-Oct-2015 18:33
Beautiful work here, Sandi.
Peter Sussex23-Dec-2007 12:28
To live and to take shots. Great!!!
Dennis Camp20-Dec-2007 02:32
It would be a beautiful view from a front porch, well seen and captured.
Guest 14-Dec-2007 18:54
o..yes, it must be such a cool place too.
Lion10-Dec-2007 00:38
Beautful colors and atmosphere A+ " VTED "
Barry Rosenberg04-Dec-2007 22:46
To your point... they may have found out in 1972 when storms and Hurricane Agnes remnants hit in the upper region of the Susquehanna and its tributaries in New York(the mighty Chemung River) and Northern Pennsylvania. Flooding in this area sent homes sailing downriver. Today, many of the riverfront homes along Route 15 north of Hburg are built on stilts.
Marcia Colelli04-Dec-2007 14:51
very lovely colors, nice scene
Dave Wixx04-Dec-2007 14:37
Beautiful sneak perspective through the trees.
Carol Rollins04-Dec-2007 13:43
A gorgeous scene, Sandi. Beautiful composition and capture of colors and light. V.
monil04-Dec-2007 12:50
Very nice place.
good light and composition.
Giancarlo Guzzardi04-Dec-2007 08:38
nice... down by the river
QUERIDO04-Dec-2007 06:54
Beautiful shot,vote
Gerard Koehl04-Dec-2007 05:54
Très belle scène avec une belle luminosité. V
Brian McAllister04-Dec-2007 05:39
A beautiful and colorful image......
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