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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favorites > Last Moment Show!
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27-OCT-2008 Sandi Whitteker

Last Moment Show!

Yosemite, California

After four days of blue skies, a few clouds finally wandered onto the scene, and at the very, very last moment,
quite obligingly blushed crimson. Everyone standing at Valley View with us (most had given up and left), applauded.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Sam Rua14-Nov-2011 17:36
Beautiful. I had some similar weather just this past October, but unfortunately wasn't in the Valley to catch some clouds.
Dan Spendolini29-Jun-2010 00:49
A Great capture Sand. All good photographers know that the best lighting always comes after everyone has left. V
Aaron Keigher06-May-2010 16:33
great color and atmosphere. wish i had one like this!!!!
bill friedlander28-Mar-2010 15:30
Fabulous sunset shot, superb composition and out of this world colors. Bravo. V
Dan Greenberg28-Jan-2010 06:42
One of the best sunset images ever! Truly world class. ~V~
CM Kwan27-Dec-2009 22:14
Love the beautiful and warm sky, Sandi! V
McGarva17-May-2009 12:52
Simply stunning image ... V
January Grey23-Feb-2009 06:03
Breathtaking image, Sandi! V~
yannick Beunard11-Feb-2009 10:16
Superb image : V
Robert Charity25-Jan-2009 16:47
wow - wonderful ,v
Richard Calmes25-Jan-2009 14:58
Beautiful and delicate light! V
Guest 24-Jan-2009 15:21
Stunning sunset, Sandi. Beautiful work. BV
Marco Valk23-Jan-2009 19:54
beautiful sunset image
Susanne v. Schroeder23-Jan-2009 19:22
Beautiful! Worth the wait!!
Lise Trempe23-Jan-2009 14:02
Breathtaking, I would have like to be there to admire the view. Fabulous capture.
Jean D23-Jan-2009 01:36
Stunning, superbly captured and exposed, Sandi! ~V~
Guest 22-Jan-2009 11:16
A breathtaking view, Sandi! Beautifully composed and the color tones are gorgeous!
Naret Visesvongsa22-Jan-2009 06:07
Nice image. V
Denis Vincelette22-Jan-2009 01:51
VEry nice ..............
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)22-Jan-2009 01:03
A most excellent and unique colour cast to this region's setting. BV!
Bill Robinson22-Jan-2009 00:11
An amazing place, lovely capture Sandi.
marie-jose wolff21-Jan-2009 20:15
breathtaking indeed, gorgeous colors! V
Guest 21-Jan-2009 17:59
wonderful light, view, colours Sandi.
monil21-Jan-2009 17:41
Wonderfull picture with this lighting.
Love the composition. v
b-w studio21-Jan-2009 17:37
Stunning image. Great mood.
globalgadabout21-Jan-2009 16:30
a triumphant moment at this majestic location...V
Bryan Murahashi21-Jan-2009 15:31
Beautiful colors over the valley. A fabulous photo. V
Carol Rollins21-Jan-2009 13:24
This is truly breathtaking Sandi! What an impressive photo!
John Reynolds LRPS21-Jan-2009 11:57
Awesome view. V.
Randy Adams21-Jan-2009 09:34 glad you stayed Sandi! V
Giancarlo Guzzardi21-Jan-2009 07:39
really an incredible light, so balanced tones
spectacular valley view well composed
a great piece in this collection
Gerard Koehl21-Jan-2009 05:28
Perfect... V
Marcia Rules21-Jan-2009 01:39
very, very nice ...and sundown breathed her last.......v
Janet Forjan-Freedman21-Jan-2009 00:46
What a wonderful landscape that you have framed and captured perfectly!
waterfalls man21-Jan-2009 00:13
Excellent Shot V
Michel Jasmin20-Jan-2009 23:57
Beautiful light, very well done
Jim Coffman20-Jan-2009 23:51
Breath taking capture,Sandi! V
Brad Claypole20-Jan-2009 23:48
Way to hang in there and get this spectacular shot BV
Jess. ( Lady.D.)20-Jan-2009 23:26
Breathtaking image Sandi, fabulous sky, worth the wait
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