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Downtown Detroit Michigan

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The Scott Fountain on Belle Isle Downtown Detroit. Michigan 17.JPG
The Scott Fountain on Belle Isle Downtown Detroit. Michigan 17.JPG
The Scott Fountain on Belle Isle Downtown Detroit. Michigan 21_2_3_fused.jpg
The Scott Fountain on Belle Isle Downtown Detroit. Michigan 21_2_3_fused.jpg
The Scott Fountain on Belle Isle Downtown Detroit. Michigan 33_4_5_tonemapped.jpg
The Scott Fountain on Belle Isle Downtown Detroit. Michigan 33_4_5_tonemapped.jpg
The Scott Fountain on Belle Isle Downtown Detroit. Michigan 36And7more_fused.jpg
The Scott Fountain on Belle Isle Downtown Detroit. Michigan 36And7more_fused.jpg
The Scott Fountain on Belle Isle Downtown Detroit. Michigan 44_5_6_7_fused.jpg
The Scott Fountain on Belle Isle Downtown Detroit. Michigan 44_5_6_7_fused.jpg
The Spirit of Detroit statue outside of the City - County Building in Downtown Detroit Michigan 1.JPG
The Spirit of Detroit statue outside of the City - County Building in Downtown Detroit Michigan 1.JPG
The Spirit of Detroit statue outside of the City - County Building in Downtown Detroit Michigan 16.JPG
The Spirit of Detroit statue outside of the City - County Building in Downtown Detroit Michigan 16.JPG
The Spirit of Detroit statue outside of the City - County Building in Downtown Detroit Michigan 20.JPG
The Spirit of Detroit statue outside of the City - County Building in Downtown Detroit Michigan 20.JPG
The Spirit of Detroit statue outside of the City - County Building in Downtown Detroit Michigan 23.JPG
The Spirit of Detroit statue outside of the City - County Building in Downtown Detroit Michigan 23.JPG
Transcending Wheel in Hart Plaza Downtown Detroit Michigan 1.JPG
Transcending Wheel in Hart Plaza Downtown Detroit Michigan 1.JPG
Transcending Wheel in Hart Plaza Downtown Detroit Michigan 8.JPG
Transcending Wheel in Hart Plaza Downtown Detroit Michigan 8.JPG
Transcending Wheel in Hart Plaza Downtown Detroit Michigan 20.JPG
Transcending Wheel in Hart Plaza Downtown Detroit Michigan 20.JPG
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