Above is a composite of the white light image through the LPS filter (used inside the camera as a pop-in), the H-alpha image (Ha filter used inside the Hyperstar) and the OIII image (OIII filter inside the Hyperstar + a UV/IR Blocker inside the camera as a pop-in). Well, I couldn't resist stacking the whole lot :-) Aligning frames taken through different filter combinations requires warping, so one has to use multi-point alignment. I did try just translate/rotate/scale but the alignment is poor. Perhaps this is indicative of varying barrel/pincushion distortion when filters are placed at different distances from the sensor. You do not need warping when stacking frames from a single imaging run and you have reasonably good polar alignment.
The way I judge lenses and OTAs is by their ability to produce decent A3-sized prints from APS-sized sensors (or A2-sized from full 35mm format DSLRs). This is actually quite challenging on optics, even for daylight scenes. The C14 Hyperstar does pass this test and if you do your imaging just right all the way, pixel-perfect tracking, pixel-accurate stacking, and competent post-processing you should indeed be able to produce A3-sized prints to be proud of.