OK, this one is flipped the right way around, i.e. not a mirror image, North is to the right. Baader OIII(8nm) + Hutech Idas UV/IR pop-in filters in the Blue and Green where the teal OIII naturally ends up, and Baader Ha(7nm) in Red. I also added about a third of the Ha into the Blue to simulate H-beta; does not make much of a difference. 82x90sec through the OIII and 92x90sec through the Ha. Conditions were worse than for the preceeding slide, far too hot, too much dust haze, too murky for pleasant imaging, but it was a new toy... I think I prefer the view in white light, through the LPS filter, previous 2 slides with their more subtle colour variations. It's probably just my novice processing of narrowband images.