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Samir Kharusi | all galleries >> Galleries >> Markarian's Chain > Markarians Chain
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10Mar2005 Samir Kharusi

Markarians Chain

Quriyat, Oman

Here's the result. Canon 600mm/4.0L IS lens wide open at f4 on a Canon 1Ds DSLR camera. Unguided :-( Autofocused on Betelgeuse. A stack of 88 two-minute frames at ISO 1250 (total integration time 176 minutes), calibrated in ImagesPlus using 10 darks, 8 flats (taken at dawn at ISO 100) and 4 bias frames taken at ISO 1250 using 1/8000sec exposures. I had to throw out only a handful of frames for faulty tracking. Anyway, this Russian dude named Markarian seems to have been interested in the UV spectra of this bunch of galaxies. With very little imagination you may be able to perceive a chain in the relative locations of the galaxies. Absolutely no physical significance in that. I attempted to center the framing at RA 12h 29', Dec+13deg 11', on the border of Coma Berenices and Virgo. A whole zoo of galaxies... Click on "Original" below to see at a reasonably large size.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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john 29-Jun-2011 22:12
Hi there in Oman, Got to admit it your skill at DLSR astro photos in quite amazing.
You really understand all the maths behind everything.
I wish I could get shots like some of yours but just not got the know how.
Please keep posting more of your astro photos from Oman.
Hello from the UK.
jy13-Mar-2005 00:57
Just amazing! Great stuff.