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14-APR-2008 Ruth Voorhis

A roadside slough

Nikon D300 ,Micro-Nikkor 105mm VR f/2.8G
1/400s f/8.0 at 105.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Missed Opportunities13-Feb-2019 12:21
Sure looks like there should be ducks/geese/waterfowl there at various times of year - - like the contrast between sky and wetlands
Guest 04-Jul-2008 20:30
WOW very nice
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo23-Apr-2008 15:07
Nicely composed! Light is perfect as is the warm color of the reeds. I like how the reflection in the water draws the eye.
Guest 19-Apr-2008 04:51
Oh my! What a terrific image!
Guest 16-Apr-2008 04:32
Ruth, this is an awesome image. I like it very much.
Paul Milholland16-Apr-2008 02:38
Really nice light, Ruth.
Guest 16-Apr-2008 00:13
The colours really work well Ruth and show that piece of time when the sky is grim but you still have the lovely warm light
fotabug15-Apr-2008 23:58
Wow, this is really beautiful, Ruth. Way to go! GMV
Guest 15-Apr-2008 23:04
It's that magic light as I call it that makes an ordinary scene spectacular. Great shot Pam.
momad3004415-Apr-2008 22:44
My goodness, the colors leaves me speechless! Spectacular!

Olivia 15-Apr-2008 22:21
That's beautifull! The wheat or grain fields look almost golden in color.
Anita15-Apr-2008 22:01
What a wonderful scene - I too love the light and color!
Cindy15-Apr-2008 21:33
Wow, gorgeous, love it.
Bea.15-Apr-2008 21:17
Excellent shot. You were in the right place at the right time, and with your camera. Well caught.
jpat15-Apr-2008 19:58
Delightful scene - the setting sun makes a great source for photo scenes
Guest 15-Apr-2008 19:20
Beautiful light and composition . I love the way the golden plants stand out against the dark blue sky...very dramatic. I know I am a nut about wires, but I would have love to have seen the wires cloned out.
Jack Hoying15-Apr-2008 19:15
That evening light was perfect for this golden vegetation
Rev. Kelly Todd15-Apr-2008 18:09
Didn't realize Ruth that this was your water challenge image! my last comment stands, wonderful light/color! the only two things that I could say about this is that the overall brightness should be increased just a bit...not much, and since it was for a water Challenge, I would have expected just a bit more water. yes, you met the objective, just that in my minds eye, it should have had more... but that comes from an expectation and not from a technical point. If this were not for the challenge then I would have limited my commment to the brightness. that all said, this is truely a wonderful image and one that you should be well proud of!
Rev. Kelly Todd15-Apr-2008 18:00
fantastic light !
Ann15-Apr-2008 17:36
Beautiful colours and lighting.
paplvr15-Apr-2008 16:24
Love this kind of light, so rich! Linda S
Guest 15-Apr-2008 15:52
A nice prarie scene.
Henry Heerschap15-Apr-2008 15:47
Wonderful light. Good catch.
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