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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Challenges > Fridge Magnet
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11-MAR-2008 Ruth Voorhis

Fridge Magnet

Nikon D300 ,Nikkor Micro AF-S 105mm 2.8G ED VR
1/30s f/8.0 at 105.0mm iso2800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Pete Rodgers 01-Aug-2008 04:53
A very nice image. Like the color and comp. If I can mention it here the D300 and the Sony A700 have the same sensor. So I knew if my A700 wouuld do it, the D300 would do as good or better.
Barry Ailetcher30-Jul-2008 22:57
very nice shot Ruth I use high ISO and High shutter speeds all the time with very little noise
Bea.30-Jul-2008 21:27
That's a great fridge magnet. Does look like a painting. Nice one.
IMRAN HAFEEZ17-Mar-2008 20:59
very nice colorful, and detailed.
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo13-Mar-2008 14:37
Beautiful magnet!
Guest 13-Mar-2008 07:30
Very nice.
Anita12-Mar-2008 23:06
Great color and detail - it really does look like a painting!
Ann12-Mar-2008 21:23
What a beautiful piece, gorgeous colours.
Paul Milholland12-Mar-2008 05:48
I like it! If you hadn't said what it was, I'd have guessed a painting.
Laura Milholland12-Mar-2008 05:45
Fun. I would've thought it was bigger than a magnet. :)
Bea.12-Mar-2008 03:47
An intriguing magnet. love the design.
jpat12-Mar-2008 00:04
Interesting macro
fotabug11-Mar-2008 23:06
I am very impressed with the sharpness and color here, Ruth. And my goodness, at 2800 ISO? That is amazing! Hmm, I am REALLY impressed.
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