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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Challenges > China Cat
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07-FEB-2008 Ruth Voorhis

China Cat

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IMRAN HAFEEZ28-Feb-2008 03:20
very nice and interesting object beautifully captured
Canon-300D10-Feb-2008 05:46
Such an unusual piece. You captured it nicely. Did you clone or blur something in the background above the tail? Other than that, the photo is very nicely done.
Guest 09-Feb-2008 19:11
Great job Ruth. Black is a hard color to capture for me and you hit it on the nail.
jpat09-Feb-2008 14:20
Good lighting on a tough subject
Jack Hoying09-Feb-2008 04:34
Now that's an interesting bottle!!
Guest 09-Feb-2008 03:09
A lovely shot Ruth, a delightful piece.
Laura Milholland08-Feb-2008 04:26
My, how unusual. Are those real mug-size? or smaller? Well shot!
Bea.08-Feb-2008 02:41
It's beautiful Ruth. You did very well with the shot.
fotabug08-Feb-2008 01:54
Wow, what a neat photo, Ruth. I love it.
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo08-Feb-2008 00:30
What a delightful collectible! Good color, and composition, nice angle of shot. Good job, Ruth!
Guest 07-Feb-2008 23:46
Beautiful capture of the cat...and you handled the lighting very well.I even think I can see you in the reflection.
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