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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Challenges > Silver Canister
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07-JAN-2008 Ruth Voorhis

Silver Canister

I found this canister(?) in the attic of my parents' home 10 years ago, following their deaths. Until then I didn't know it existed, and I have no idea what it was used for or how old it is. My guess is that my mother or my grandmother may have brought it over from Germany, where they had lived. Can anyone tell me what this object is?

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Paul Milholland09-Jan-2008 04:54
Beautiful workmanship, nicely photographed. Congrats on the new camera, Ruth.
IMRAN HAFEEZ08-Jan-2008 18:14
a very interesting object, beautifully composed, very detailed and sharp image. Nice a see your work after a long time, Keep shooting.
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo08-Jan-2008 14:31
A great shot of this mystery vessel. A beautiful piece what ever it is.
Guest 08-Jan-2008 01:38
It's a lovely shot Ruth :-)
Guest 08-Jan-2008 01:02
This shot is totally stunning, the canister is simply gorgeous... no telling what its purpose may have been!
Bea.08-Jan-2008 00:05
Good shot of this intriguing object. it has to be a genuine antique. Wonderful decorations on it. Is it a hawk or a pigeon on the top?
Guest 07-Jan-2008 21:07
What a gorgeous piece! I have no idea what it could be, but it sure is a striking piece. Great use of the Old subject, very well shot!
Guest 07-Jan-2008 20:34
Beautifully shot, whatever its use may be.
Guest 07-Jan-2008 19:25
Ruth, what a beautiful old object. Well photographed.
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