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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Four Seasons Through the Years > Windswept View Spring 2015
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03-MAY-2015 Ruth Voorhis

Windswept View Spring 2015

Riverbank Park

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joseantonio16-Apr-2017 04:13
such a lovely view in a lovely and sunny day.V
Sheila 10-May-2015 01:20
Beautiful, Ruth.
Laura Milholland09-May-2015 19:29
A beautiful setting and a beautiful shot, Ruth. Very enjoyable.
Paul Milholland09-May-2015 01:52
I'm gonna take a wild guess, and say the wind was blowing left to right. ;-)
Chuck08-May-2015 16:09
Nice view. Makes me feel I'd like to visit, but the wind...
Ann08-May-2015 08:53
Excellent scene Ruth, love those grasses in the foreground. *v*
Chris Gibbins08-May-2015 08:09
Nice view - and a great sky - well captured.
paplvr07-May-2015 23:48
What a pretty scene! Love it and the forground really shows the wind. LindaS
Walt 07-May-2015 21:53
full blown windy day - the slanty grass captures the spring breeze very well
Ed Duverger07-May-2015 20:14
Very nice image.As windy as here in last days.
Barry Ailetcher07-May-2015 20:03
Fantastic image so clear and pretty
Roger Bailey07-May-2015 18:57
What a super view, looks windy.
graham detonator 07-May-2015 18:48
nice shot Ruth
John Shen Photography07-May-2015 17:17
Wow, gorgeous capture of this scenery! :)
fotabug06-May-2015 20:54
What a fantastic scene, superbly recorded! A lovely landscape! It would make a wonderful print! V
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