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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Beings > Cheetah
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11-JUN-2013 Ruth Voorhis


Nikon D3S ,AF-S NIKKOR 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR
1/1000s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso560 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ed Duverger19-Jul-2013 21:35
Excellent capture.You were analyzed completely.
fotabug19-Jul-2013 02:24
What a super shot! Excellent details and a gorgeous cat!
Rev. Kelly Todd18-Jul-2013 23:55
I guess you got his attention!
Paul Milholland18-Jul-2013 23:44
Those eyes are almost hypnotic.
Guest 18-Jul-2013 23:44
Check the focus on the eyes. Looking at something behind the photographer. Probably trying to decide which might taste better?
Bea.18-Jul-2013 23:23
Such intense eyes, could it be a Cheetah?
Roger Bailey18-Jul-2013 21:34
Looks like it is sizing you up as potential meal.
Guest 18-Jul-2013 21:29
Wow..what eyes, and how she is looking at you
Laura Milholland18-Jul-2013 21:25
Truly a marvelous animal. I agree with Jeanne - you have really caught his wild spirit in this shot.
Jeanne Newman18-Jul-2013 21:02
This is exceptional, Ruth - there is such a sense of tension and electricty! So very well done. v.
momad3004418-Jul-2013 20:59
He looks like he seeing his next meal! What a beauty. Nice detail on the fur and face.
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