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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cats - little and big > Cat in Grass
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05-AUG-2012 Ruth Voorhis

Cat in Grass

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Laura Milholland17-Oct-2012 20:21
What a beauty! And such a marvelous shot too. :)
Ann16-Oct-2012 08:24
Stunning capture Ruth. Such a beautiful cat. *v*
Bea.15-Oct-2012 21:52
Top shot Ruth, a typical cat expression.
Barry Ailetcher15-Oct-2012 20:42
nice image
Ed Duverger15-Oct-2012 18:08
Concentrating on you.
fotabug15-Oct-2012 16:58
great shot
Guest 15-Oct-2012 16:57
You really captured the cat essence of this beautiful creature
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