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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Riverbank Park > Blue and Gold
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22-APR-2012 Ruth Voorhis

Blue and Gold

The banks by the water show residue from the major flood that covered them in spring 2011.

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MarcViskens07-Aug-2015 15:58
beautiful composition Ruth
joseantonio29-Jul-2012 04:21
Lovely capture of that light....V
Ann24-Apr-2012 08:53
Wonderful lighting on this gorgeous scene.
Walt 24-Apr-2012 00:02
nice control of the light
Roy Berger 23-Apr-2012 22:54
It is a pretty scene. I was very warm here in Alberta today, 25°C. The forecast for Friday includes some wet snow, go figure!
Sheila 23-Apr-2012 22:44
Love the color and sunny reflection!
graham 23-Apr-2012 22:25
this is super love light light good processing here
Bea.23-Apr-2012 22:18
Certainly a lovely shot Ruth, pretty colour and light
Guest 23-Apr-2012 20:15
Beautiful light and coloring, Ruth.
Laura Milholland23-Apr-2012 20:01
Lovely shot and light, Ruth.
Ed Duverger23-Apr-2012 19:02
Impressive light.
fotabug23-Apr-2012 18:27
You made this a most gorgeous scene, Ruth! Well done!
Rev. Kelly Todd23-Apr-2012 18:21
oh to have blue skies like that! Nice light.
Barry Ailetcher23-Apr-2012 18:10
real nice Ruth
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