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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winnipeg, Manitoba > Manitoba Legislature Building
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28-JAN-2012 Ruth Voorhis

Manitoba Legislature Building

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D AF
1/30s f/2.0 at 50.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
joseantonio03-Apr-2014 20:35
Excellent night shot.V.
paplvr02-Feb-2012 17:21
Beautiful night shot! Linda S
fotabug02-Feb-2012 16:19
Excellent result!
Virginia Craig02-Feb-2012 11:41
This is a great picture, Ruth! Good shot!
Rev. Kelly Todd02-Feb-2012 04:52
A beautiful building... it has been 16 years since I have seen it. is the fountain still in operation that sits out front?
Paul Milholland02-Feb-2012 04:02
Stately building.
Nancy02-Feb-2012 02:50
Wonderful. It glows.
Guest 02-Feb-2012 00:55
wow, that is an outstanding night shot..just jumped off the page at me.
Laura Milholland01-Feb-2012 23:21
You did a marvelous job on this, Ruth. Delightful shot.
Bea.01-Feb-2012 23:18
Excellent night shot, wonderful lighting and colour.
RogerM 01-Feb-2012 23:02
I'm biased towards night shots. A magnificent structure that is nicely captured.
Roger Bailey01-Feb-2012 22:34
Super night shot, great lighting.
Barry Ailetcher01-Feb-2012 22:32
Wonderfull shot and lighting
momad3004401-Feb-2012 22:30
A beautiful night shot!
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