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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cats - little and big > Tiger
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19-JUN-2010 Ruth Voorhis


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Guest 11-Jan-2011 01:33
Great looking cat!
Guest 10-Jan-2011 00:26
Big kitty indeed, beautiful :-)
Barry Ailetcher09-Jan-2011 20:35
great shot of the pretty pussy cat
Virginia Craig09-Jan-2011 14:47
Ohhh my what a great shot!
GaryNZ 09-Jan-2011 07:00
Majestic shot of a equally majestic animal - big cats rock!!!
fotabug09-Jan-2011 04:04
lovely shot of a creature that is an endangered species
paplvr09-Jan-2011 01:39
Wow fabulous! Linda S
Elaine 09-Jan-2011 00:19
momad3004408-Jan-2011 23:15
Beautiful. Everything about this shot is perfect. I love the details on his whiskers.
Guest 08-Jan-2011 21:38
Outstanding portrait of a regal looking big cat.
Bea.08-Jan-2011 21:37
Excellent shot of this beautiful animal.
Guest 08-Jan-2011 20:34
Very handsome animal.
Guest 08-Jan-2011 19:39
A beautiful animal
Ed Duverger08-Jan-2011 19:29
What good clarity and detail.
Rich Strobel08-Jan-2011 18:46
BIG Cat, good shot.
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