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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Beings > Elephants
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19-JUN-2010 Ruth Voorhis


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Guest 11-Jan-2011 01:31
Barry Ailetcher09-Jan-2011 20:35
nice shot
GaryNZ 09-Jan-2011 06:59
Wow - the detail is awesome
fotabug09-Jan-2011 04:05
This is a great shot
paplvr09-Jan-2011 01:39
The color and texture just POPS, very nice. Linda S
momad3004408-Jan-2011 23:14
Aren't they just beautiful! I've never seen brownish elephants before...lovely though...the one in front looks like he's smiling.
Graham 08-Jan-2011 21:46
Super shot great textures and color tones Ruth
Guest 08-Jan-2011 21:37
wonderful clear, colorful shot.
Bea.08-Jan-2011 21:36
What a beauty, nicely taken Ruth.
Guest 08-Jan-2011 20:33
Lovely Ruth, they are such grand animals.
Guest 08-Jan-2011 19:38
Very nice shot of these handsome beasts.
Ed Duverger08-Jan-2011 19:28
Very good capturewith great light and warm vibrant colors
Rich Strobel08-Jan-2011 18:46
Looks like it was a beautiful day at the zoo, great catch of the Elephants!!
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