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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds > Great Blue Heron
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19-JUN-2010 Ruth Voorhis

Great Blue Heron

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Guest 12-Jan-2011 00:14
wow...masterful capture, and quite an unusual position.
Guest 11-Jan-2011 02:17
Very nice, you were able to get close.
Guest 11-Jan-2011 01:16
That's a great image! Am amazed at what kind of lens you used for this shot.
paplvr10-Jan-2011 19:21
With the bright light, you got a great image! Linda S
Barry Ailetcher10-Jan-2011 19:10
Outststnding image Ruth
fotabug10-Jan-2011 17:59
Very nice. You sure got close
Ed Duverger10-Jan-2011 15:59
Very good capture of this beautiful bird.
Sheila 10-Jan-2011 14:11
Very clear and colorful!
Graham 10-Jan-2011 12:58
Super shot great tones and colors Ruth
Roger Bailey10-Jan-2011 11:50
Nice detail, I think you caught it napping.
Bea.10-Jan-2011 08:13
Wonderful feather detail, nice shot.
Rich Strobel10-Jan-2011 05:11
Their feathers are so beautiful, nice catch Ruth.
Rev. Kelly Todd08-Jan-2011 19:43
This is a Great Blue Heron Ruth. nice detail!
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