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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Beings > Afternoon Nap
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19-JUN-2010 Ruth Voorhis

Afternoon Nap

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Guest 12-Jan-2011 00:15
Love this shot.
Guest 11-Jan-2011 02:17
Life is good. LOL
Guest 11-Jan-2011 01:16
Looks very content out there. :)
Barry Ailetcher10-Jan-2011 19:11
neat shot
Guest 10-Jan-2011 18:02
Great unusual shot :-)
fotabug10-Jan-2011 17:58
My sentiments exactly :)
Ed Duverger10-Jan-2011 15:59
Total relax.
Graham 10-Jan-2011 12:59
Thats a good shot
Bea.10-Jan-2011 08:13
Hippo bliss!!
Rich Strobel10-Jan-2011 05:12
Life is good!!
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