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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Beings > Dusty
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07-JUL-2010 Ruth Voorhis


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fotabug02-Aug-2010 20:48
very pretty
Barry Ailetcher01-Aug-2010 18:00
neat image Ruth
Guest 31-Jul-2010 22:04
A real mother's face :-)
Bea.31-Jul-2010 20:48
Nice shot of this pretty cat.
Ed Duverger31-Jul-2010 18:00
Very good portrait.Nice fur.
Guest 31-Jul-2010 14:03
Beautiful image of a beautiful cat
Roger Bailey31-Jul-2010 14:01
A nice sharp image.
Ann31-Jul-2010 13:27
She is so beautiful Ruth. Excellent image with great clarity and colours.
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