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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Beings > Inky
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07-JUL-2010 Ruth Voorhis


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fotabug02-Aug-2010 20:49
good choice of name :)
Barry Ailetcher01-Aug-2010 17:59
cute little guy
Bea.31-Jul-2010 20:46
Such a cute little kitty.
Guest 31-Jul-2010 19:57
Ed Duverger31-Jul-2010 17:58
So cute.
Deborah 31-Jul-2010 14:29
How cute! He posed too. Keeper!
Guest 31-Jul-2010 14:03
How precious...and a good shot, BTW
Roger Bailey31-Jul-2010 13:59
Hello Inky, nice to see - do you know you are cute?
Graham 31-Jul-2010 13:28
Very nice shit indeed lighting is very good
Ann31-Jul-2010 13:18
Awww what an adorable little kitten, beautiful eyes. Excellent capture Ruth.
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