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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Ireland 2010 > Main Street from Market Square, Birr, County Offaly
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22-JUN-2010 Ruth Voorhis

Main Street from Market Square, Birr, County Offaly

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Guest 24-Jul-2010 15:18
Lots of places in North America where we can see the influence of the Irish architechture style.
fotabug23-Jul-2010 04:50
wow, gorgeous
Guest 22-Jul-2010 20:21
so pretty,and great that you could get a sot without people.
Bea.20-Jul-2010 08:26
It looks such a pretty town.
Rich Strobel19-Jul-2010 22:52
Very quaint old town!!
Guest 19-Jul-2010 21:03
Very quaint.
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