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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Ireland 2010 > Climbing Glinsk Castle Loop
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24-JUN-2010 Ruth Voorhis

Climbing Glinsk Castle Loop

That's Paul trudging up the hill carrying my Lowepro.:-)

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fotabug23-Jul-2010 04:50
terrific shot
Guest 22-Jul-2010 20:20
Beautiful composition with the flower off to one side and the path going upward.
Ed Duverger20-Jul-2010 19:26
I also have a very good assistant:my wife Gigi LOL.
Bea.20-Jul-2010 08:25
Nice shot, I'm sure the climb was worthwhile.
Rich Strobel19-Jul-2010 22:51
Beautiful Ruth, this reminds me of so many trails I have been up in the USA.
graham 19-Jul-2010 21:53
Great shot Ruth like the leading line of the path
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