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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Churches of the World > Window in Rossnaree Chapel - Ireland
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21-JUN-2010 Ruth Voorhis

Window in Rossnaree Chapel - Ireland

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Laura Milholland23-Jul-2010 06:03
Guest 17-Jul-2010 16:31
Virginia Craig16-Jul-2010 12:26
Excellent, Ruth!
Paul Milholland16-Jul-2010 03:01
Nicely shot.
Graham 15-Jul-2010 22:53
Super shot of a stained glassed window ..
Guest 15-Jul-2010 22:14
Excellent exposure, wonderful color.
Ann15-Jul-2010 21:40
Excellent image Ruth. Superb colours and light. *v*
Guest 15-Jul-2010 21:21
Just gorgeous.
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