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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Ireland 2010 > Hill of Slane archway, County Meath
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20-JUN-2010 Ruth Voorhis

Hill of Slane archway, County Meath

Saint Patrick is said to have lit a fire on this hill in defiance of the order of a pagan king.

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Rev. Kelly Todd28-Jul-2010 21:50
I really like this one Ruth, I love how the doorway frames the country side! well done
Guest 27-Jul-2010 03:01
I like the POV on this shot, looking between the arches. : ) v++
joseantonio23-Jul-2010 02:14
Great shot and framing
Barry Ailetcher15-Jul-2010 19:41
very pretty I would love to know who has gone through the arches
Paul Milholland14-Jul-2010 02:03
Lot of history in those archways.
Guest 13-Jul-2010 19:06 this composition looking through!
Ed Duverger12-Jul-2010 16:55
Very good perceptive.
fotabug12-Jul-2010 16:02
Excellent composition, showing a good eye
Guest 12-Jul-2010 15:55
Very nice POV, nice exposure and color, a very interesting scene.
Virginia Craig12-Jul-2010 12:26
Ann12-Jul-2010 07:02
Excellent, Ruth. Great lighting.
paplvr12-Jul-2010 06:06
Just stunning, all nice, but this is the best. I love these peekaboo shots. Linda S
Bea.12-Jul-2010 05:40
Brilliant shot. What a wonderful place to visit, so much history.
Rich Strobel12-Jul-2010 05:25
Very nice Ruth.
Mark Krauss12-Jul-2010 04:26
Guest 12-Jul-2010 04:16
Very nice, like the framing of this one.
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