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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds > Bird with red eye...
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19-JUN-2010 Ruth Voorhis

Bird with red eye...

Dublin Zoo

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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)25-Sep-2016 13:19
Excellent photography! Vote
fotabug13-Jul-2010 03:18
Wow, this is so great! I am impressed with the closeness and great colors and sharpness
Paul Milholland12-Jul-2010 00:13
Those are some seriously ugly feet. ;-)
momad3004410-Jul-2010 22:38
Sleek little bugger! Your detail is fabulous.
Guest 10-Jul-2010 19:27
excellent detail, and oh so sharp.
Rich Strobel10-Jul-2010 17:12
Neat shot Ruth, it really shows how they are made for speed in the water.
Guest 10-Jul-2010 15:34
A very nice result, good color and clarity.
Ed Duverger10-Jul-2010 12:27
Very sharp and with perfect exposure
Ann10-Jul-2010 08:20
Excellent shot. Great clarity and detail.
Bea.10-Jul-2010 07:29
A lovely sharp clear photo of this little character.
Deborah 10-Jul-2010 05:36
This is great! So sharp and the texture is marvelous.
Guest 10-Jul-2010 04:16
Awwwwww this is so cute, I love Penguins
joseantonio10-Jul-2010 02:11
Great shot
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