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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Beings > Giraffe and Audience
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19-JUN-2010 Ruth Voorhis

Giraffe and Audience

Dublin Zoo

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fotabug13-Jul-2010 03:17
Wow, I think this is a superb shot, a winner! GMV
Paul Milholland12-Jul-2010 00:15
Terrific sense of scale in this shot.
Guest 10-Jul-2010 19:28
Your image really drives home the size of the giraffe.
Rich Strobel10-Jul-2010 17:13
A beautiful animal for sure, and a big one!!
Guest 10-Jul-2010 15:34
Really like the perspective in this shot.
Ed Duverger10-Jul-2010 12:28
She is literally great.
Ann10-Jul-2010 08:22
My oh my, everyone looks so small against this gentle giant. Great perspective, Ruth.
Bea.10-Jul-2010 07:29
Great perspective, makes the humans look tiny.
Deborah 10-Jul-2010 05:37
I love the all the humans in this shot. The scale is fabulous! Grown men look so small by comparison. :D
Guest 10-Jul-2010 04:16
Love these guys as well.
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