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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Plants > Purple and Gold
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17-APR-2010 Ruth Voorhis

Purple and Gold

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Ann25-May-2010 13:34
WOW, what a gorgeous sight. Excellent.
Guest 12-May-2010 13:45
ablaze with color
Guest 12-May-2010 10:27
Gorgeous colours :-)
Guest 11-May-2010 22:54
Richard 10-May-2010 08:03
My instant reaction - Lakers! Nice one
Bea.10-May-2010 03:22
What a beautiful mix of colour.
fotabug10-May-2010 02:28
Very pretty. How long have you had the D700? Congratulations. It's a fine camera
Laura Milholland09-May-2010 22:38
Total spring bliss! Gorgeous, Ruth!
Clay Swatzell 09-May-2010 22:19
Wonderful colors
Paul Milholland09-May-2010 19:46
That's an impressive display.
Guest 09-May-2010 18:25
Very nice, great colors
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