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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Plants > Apple Blossoms
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17-APR-2010 Ruth Voorhis

Apple Blossoms

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Ann25-May-2010 13:29
Beautiful image, Ruth. I love the shadows running through the petals.
Guest 12-May-2010 13:43
Outstanding shot!! so clear and sharp.
Laura Milholland09-May-2010 23:32
A pretty shot, Ruth. Is that brown puff a bug?
Barry Ailetcher09-May-2010 21:02
Well done Ruth
Virginia Craig08-May-2010 17:04
Very nice,
Guest 08-May-2010 00:09
Very nice Ruth.
Bea.07-May-2010 23:59
pretty colour and light.
fotabug07-May-2010 23:46
really pretty
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