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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winnipeg, Manitoba > Hallway
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16-MAR-2010 Ruth Voorhis


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fotabug08-Apr-2010 03:58
Wonderful image, very well done
Jack Hoying06-Apr-2010 11:39
Nice job on this tough exposure
Guest 04-Apr-2010 03:03
Ann03-Apr-2010 06:56
You have nailed the exposure beautifully Ruth. Excellent clarity and detail as well. A wonderful series of images.
Barry Ailetcher02-Apr-2010 19:06
very pretty walls good shot
Guest 01-Apr-2010 20:13
Fabulous. All 3 of these are excellent Ruth.
Bea.01-Apr-2010 00:52
A top shot, the cleaners do an excellent job.
Guest 01-Apr-2010 00:30
Wow...another beauty!
Rich Strobel31-Mar-2010 22:10
You captured the texture so well, they sure it spic and span.
Guest 31-Mar-2010 21:56
Another well done image.
momad3004431-Mar-2010 21:29
Everyone of these were just gorgeous! What a beautiful building.
Roger Bailey31-Mar-2010 20:55
Ruth, this some building, it must be vast.
Laura Milholland31-Mar-2010 20:39
Terrific detail and light in this one, Ruth. Very nicely shot.
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