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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winnipeg, Manitoba > Staircase in B&W
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16-MAR-2010 Ruth Voorhis

Staircase in B&W

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Paco López24-Dec-2017 04:59
Fantastic! I love this kind of shots! V!
Chris Gibbins13-Jan-2014 23:56
Nice - the lines take you really into the picture.
joseantonio17-May-2012 20:16
Excellent POV
henuly1photography26-Mar-2011 14:23
fantastic image!
Barry Ailetcher01-Apr-2010 18:15
outstanding image Ruth
Guest 31-Mar-2010 21:54
Had to really look and see as my eyes betrayed me with all those lines. LOL A great image, Ruth!
Laura Milholland31-Mar-2010 04:34
I like this too - a bit of Vertigo! like the movie.
Jack Hoying31-Mar-2010 03:06
Lots of marble! Good view down the stairs.
Guest 30-Mar-2010 21:35
Great choice of black and white, it is a majestic staircase!
Guest 30-Mar-2010 15:41
Neat POV
Ed Duverger30-Mar-2010 09:28
Great lines.
Ann30-Mar-2010 07:38
Superb in B&W.
Guest 29-Mar-2010 22:49
Excellent. Looks great in B/W.
paplvr29-Mar-2010 20:53
I like it! And yes blk/wht works very well. Linda S
Guest 29-Mar-2010 20:45
wonderful perspective, and really works well in Black and white
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