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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winnipeg, Manitoba > Legislative Chamber
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16-MAR-2010 Ruth Voorhis

Legislative Chamber

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Barry Ailetcher01-Apr-2010 18:13
fantastic image Ruth
Guest 31-Mar-2010 21:53
Wow! Very impressive looking room. Great shot of it!
Laura Milholland31-Mar-2010 04:33
It's a beautiful room, and you have taken a great shot of it.
Jack Hoying31-Mar-2010 03:05
Excellent colors and exposure. Amazing at ISO 6400
Guest 30-Mar-2010 15:40
A majestic building.
Ed Duverger30-Mar-2010 09:27
Pro quality.
Ann30-Mar-2010 07:35
Beautiful image, Ruth. Wonderful colours.
Guest 29-Mar-2010 22:48
Ruth, awesome image. Well done.
Roger Bailey29-Mar-2010 21:23
An imposing chamber. Blue seems to be the favourite colour.
paplvr29-Mar-2010 20:53
Nice and sharp and I love the colors in there. Linda S
Guest 29-Mar-2010 20:44
outstanding capture with great clarity and color
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