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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winnipeg, Manitoba > Entrance Hall lower view
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16-MAR-2010 Ruth Voorhis

Entrance Hall lower view

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Guest 28-Mar-2010 21:50
Beautiful! The D700 really rocks for those interior shots, doesn't it?
Laura Milholland27-Mar-2010 17:27
I really like the gentle rise of the steps. Seems to add to the impressiveness of the place.
Ed Duverger27-Mar-2010 15:40
Another very good shot of this classical architecture.Bravo.
Ann27-Mar-2010 10:57
An excellent series of images, Ruth.
fotabug27-Mar-2010 01:47
Excellent shot, a beautiful place
Bea.26-Mar-2010 23:45
So very grand and strong.
Guest 26-Mar-2010 17:28
another lovely image.
Guest 26-Mar-2010 17:15
Again, very nice!
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