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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Beings > Feline Visitor
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12-MAY-2009 Ruth Voorhis

Feline Visitor

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Barry Ailetcher Photography 28-Jun-2015 15:30
I am not a cat lover
but this is sure pretty
Paul Milholland22-May-2009 02:43
What a face!
Ann13-May-2009 14:58
How adorable Ruth. I love cats and this one is so pretty. Beautiful capture.
Virginia Craig13-May-2009 12:22
LOVE the markings too!
Guest 13-May-2009 06:00
Awwwwwwww very cute Ruth, love the markings.
paplvr13-May-2009 03:57
What a cute unusually marked kitty. Tiny ears too. Looks like someone left some paint out. Linda S
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo13-May-2009 00:39
A nice shot of a very pretty kitty visitor.
Bea.13-May-2009 00:18
Such a pretty kitty, great face markings. Hope it has a home.
Guest 12-May-2009 23:33
Not underfed that's for sure :-)
Jack Hoying12-May-2009 18:26
I sure has unique face markings. Was it looking for a hand-out?
fotabug12-May-2009 18:04
What a pretty kitty
Guest 12-May-2009 17:53
It's checking you out, Ruth. Maybe it wants a new home.
Barry Ailetcher12-May-2009 17:47
Nice shot Ruth
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