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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds > Peacock
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18-SEP-2008 Ruth Voorhis


Nikon D300 ,105mm Micro-Nikkor f/2.8 VR
1/30s f/11.0 at 105.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Paul Milholland03-Oct-2008 00:26
Really nice color and detail, Ruth.
Laura Milholland24-Sep-2008 22:46
Oh, what a wonderful shot! I love the detail and colors of the iridescence in his feathers! Excellent job.
Guest 22-Sep-2008 23:33
ooh, really beautiful!
Ann22-Sep-2008 17:34
Gorgeous colours and wonderful feather detail.
Jack Hoying22-Sep-2008 12:25
This is really a great peacock shot!
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo21-Sep-2008 23:12
Nicely captured. Good light, detail and color! The iridescence of the feathers is outstanding.
Guest 20-Sep-2008 07:29
Ruth, this is gorgeous, the colours are fantastic and the lighting excellent.
Bea.20-Sep-2008 01:29
Excellent shot ruth, you've captured his colours perfectly.
Guest 20-Sep-2008 00:31
How beautiful and such rich color!
Guest 20-Sep-2008 00:26
Beautiful shot, great light, excellent color. The D300 really shows it's capabilities when coupled with good glass. GMV
Guest 19-Sep-2008 23:13
The colours are beautiful!
paplvr19-Sep-2008 22:55
My that turned out lovely. The colors are great! Linda S
Guest 19-Sep-2008 20:21
You really captured its colors so very well, Ruth.
Barry Ailetcher19-Sep-2008 17:48
Real nice image
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