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© Rousselziak

Modéle : Lauranne
MUA & Hairstyle : Mile make up artiste

Nikon D3S
1/100s f/1.6 at 85.0mm iso6400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Paco López26-Nov-2013 16:59
Superb! V!
hugo poon26-Nov-2013 15:39
Enchanting vintage feel... almost surreal!:-)
Stephanie26-Nov-2013 14:14
Wonderful pose and capture Olivier! V
bill friedlander26-Nov-2013 00:37
Great! Excellent work! V
John Hamers25-Nov-2013 20:02
Great shot of this beautiful model !!V
MarcViskens25-Nov-2013 18:18
very nice
nice mood
Martin Lamoon25-Nov-2013 18:11
Ann...25-Nov-2013 17:43
This shot has a very Film Noir look. V
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