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© Rousselziak

Modéle : Lauranne
MUA & Hairstyle : Mile make up artiste

Nikon D3S
1/160s f/1.6 at 85.0mm iso6400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Schwarz Noël01-Dec-2013 00:55
Superbe travail ! - V -
Carol Rollins27-Nov-2013 15:44
I love this. This is so good. ~
Frank Gines26-Nov-2013 23:08
Beautiful ! love the lights and the lovely model.V
Paco López25-Nov-2013 17:23
Great! V!
Helen Betts25-Nov-2013 17:05
Another superb portrait. I also like the light both on the Eiffel Tower and on the bridge. V.
Walter Otto Koenig25-Nov-2013 16:07
Another great portrait with this pose and lighting. Perfect background. "V"
borisalex25-Nov-2013 15:04
Glamorous and ready for Christmas! v.
Stephanie25-Nov-2013 12:28
Iconic! V
Martin Lamoon25-Nov-2013 11:53
This is wonderful, excellent portrait.
danad25-Nov-2013 10:02
Superbe ! Cela pétille comme du champagne ! V.
SLC_Images25-Nov-2013 06:35
Another glamorous portrait- like the lighting! VT!
Don Mottershead25-Nov-2013 05:41
Superb! Love the colours and the wonderfully out-of-focus Tower. ~V~
bill friedlander25-Nov-2013 03:30
Extraordinary use of light both on the model and the surroundings! V
Raymond Ma25-Nov-2013 02:42
Beautiful...looks like you may have caught the show of lights on the Tour
Eiffel. V
Long Bach Nguyen24-Nov-2013 23:00
superb v
Peter Sussex24-Nov-2013 21:39
Outstanding work my friend, compliments! V
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