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© Rousselziak

Modéle : Lauranne
MUA & Hairstyle : Mile make up artiste

Nikon D3S
1/500s f/2.8 at 70.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Carol Rollins27-Nov-2013 15:43
This is very classy and very beautiful. excellent work Oliver. ~
Aivar Mikko25-Nov-2013 17:38
Nice portrait!
Alexander Kazakov24-Nov-2013 11:17
Irena Jurecic23-Nov-2013 16:56
Wonderful portrait, very sensual! V
Buba Jafarli23-Nov-2013 08:05
Superb composition and treatment! V.
Raymond Ma23-Nov-2013 05:27
As Don says there is something very entrancing about this image. The light,
the soft background or perhaps the expression somehow makes this image
regal and classic. I don't know why but there is a Mona Lisa feel to it. V
Don Mottershead23-Nov-2013 05:12
Wonderful image. It grabs you and makes you study it for a long time. ~V~
Helen Betts22-Nov-2013 20:21
Such a beautiful model, and such a gorgeous backdrop. Beautiful work, Olivier. V.
coaster22-Nov-2013 19:36
An excellent portrait!
bill friedlander22-Nov-2013 19:07
Excellent photographic technique! Beautifully composed, great colors, the DOF is complements the model! V
Paco López22-Nov-2013 16:43
Fabulous!! V!
Walter Otto Koenig22-Nov-2013 15:58
Excellent portrait work. Well done! "V"
Fabienne22-Nov-2013 10:37
Absolument superbe, on dirait que lauranne est en 3 D. Comme toujoura le post-traitment est réalisé avc talent et bon goût.
Kim22-Nov-2013 09:55
Beautiful portrait! V
Martin Lamoon22-Nov-2013 09:38
Excellent focus for this great portrait. Like the gold oof in the background
zyziza22-Nov-2013 09:19
Just fantastic portrait! Very elegant! V
Anitta22-Nov-2013 08:53
Amazing portrait work! Superb! V
shatterbug22-Nov-2013 08:47
Great location...beautiful pose and lighting!
danad22-Nov-2013 08:41
Une très belle composition avec cette attitude, ce cadrage et cette harmonie de couleurs gris-brun/gris. V.
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