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Rosemarie Kusserow | all galleries >> Galleries >> Flowers, trees and other plants > Lilly on blue fense
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Lilly on blue fense

Canon PowerShot S40
1/125s f/3.5 at 10.3mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Patricia Kay18-Jan-2008 15:34
Lovely shot of this day lily...I have exactly the same color ones in my garden...where they faithfully grow very year!!!
Linda Willets12-May-2007 19:59
Love the color of these
southernshots9913-Apr-2007 12:40
OH wow this is wonderful! I love Lilies.
Guest 03-Nov-2006 02:05
Beautifully captured, lovely light and angle, very nice clarity and color....:) Lin
Guest 22-Aug-2006 02:02
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