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robertoparmiggiani | all galleries >> Fauna >> invertebrati > Argiope bruennichi (ragno vespa)
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Argiope bruennichi (ragno vespa)

Torrente Enza (Reggio Emilia) Italy

other sizes: small medium original auto
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik27-Sep-2014 12:49
Excellent work!!
Esa Ervasti26-Sep-2011 09:06
Fantastic macro, again!
Torben Jorgensen09-Sep-2011 22:07
Fantastic. It's so hard to get this background with this species. V
Guest 08-Sep-2011 16:37
Excellent detail Roberto, way to cool.
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal08-Sep-2011 06:50
Beautiful and perfect! What a wonderful image.
francoisconstantin07-Sep-2011 22:04
The light, the colors, the bg and the subject are great!!!
Pierre07-Sep-2011 19:49
Une image parfaitement nette! V
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet06-Sep-2011 22:54
Very sharp image.
pmakuch06-Sep-2011 21:59
great subject colors and bg, details are superb !!!
jychamberland06-Sep-2011 20:40
superb macro image, very nice details and tone!
Gerard Koehl06-Sep-2011 18:11
Excellente macro... V
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