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Street Painting Festival Lake Worth FL

For two days in Feb 2016, both Lake Ave and Lucerne Ave in Lake Worth FL were closed to traffic. The two streets filled with over 600 chalk artists who spent the entire weekend on their hands and knees creating artwork on the pavement. By the end of the event, the artists were covered in rainbow smudges of chalk as they applied the final finishing touches to their pieces. In many cases, the results were quite stunning. Presented here are just a few of them.

This was not a competition. No prizes were handed out. The only "best-in-show" awards resided in the memory of the 100,000 or so visitors who came. On Monday morning, when the streets were reopened, all the artwork quickly vanished under the tires of automobile traffic.
First you put up some posters...
First you put up some posters...
...grill up some meat...
...grill up some meat...
...and squeeze out some drinks.
...and squeeze out some drinks.
Then, over 600 artists show up.
Then, over 600 artists show up.
They bring the tools of their trade...
They bring the tools of their trade...
...and spend two back-breaking days chalking up the pavement.
...and spend two back-breaking days chalking up the pavement.
A featured artist carefully maps out his project (day 1)
A featured artist carefully maps out his project (day 1)
The finished product (day 2)
The finished product (day 2)
Work in progress (day 1)
Work in progress (day 1)
Elvis fills in (day 2)
Elvis fills in (day 2)
In progress (day 1)
In progress (day 1)
Completed (day 2)
Completed (day 2)
In progress (day 1)
In progress (day 1)
Detail (day 2)
Detail (day 2)
The Chalk Guys get started on their project. (day 1)
"The Chalk Guys" get started on their project. (day 1)
Some touch-up work on Paul (day 2)
Some touch-up work on Paul (day 2)
The crowd fills Lake Ave on the second day
The crowd fills Lake Ave on the second day
A familiar face being applied to canvas
A familiar face being applied to canvas
Detail (day 2)
Detail (day 2)
Detail (Day 2)
Detail (Day 2)
Detail (Day 2)
Detail (Day 2)
Star Wars detail (Day 2)
Star Wars detail (Day 2)
Finishing touches (day 2)
Finishing touches (day 2)
Detail (day 2)
Detail (day 2)
Detail (day 2)
Detail (day 2)
Detail (day 2)
Detail (day 2)
How the Zebra Got His Stripes
"How the Zebra Got His Stripes"
Detail (day 2)
Detail (day 2)
Effective use of forced perspective (day 2)
Effective use of forced perspective (day 2)
Girl, interrupted. (Day 1)
Girl, interrupted. (Day 1)